4 Tips For Getting A Good Night’s Sleep When You Travel
Every time I climb into my super plush king-sized bed at home, I snuggle in and literally say “ ahhhhhhhhhh “ out loud. My husband does the same.
Every. Night.
It’s just so gooooooood ! There is just something about sleeping in your own bed, that you’ve carefully curated with sheets, pillows, firmness, and anything else that make it the most comfortable spot in your home. I can fall asleep within minutes and sleep so soundly that I wake up not having moved an inch from where I drifted off.
It’s that good.
But what happens when you travel? Not only are you sleeping in not-your-bed, but a strange room in an unfamiliar town.
No matter how many hotels, motels, timeshares, cruises or B&B’s I’ve stayed in over the years, I always have issues with getting to sleep and staying asleep.
I’ve gradually figured out four tried-and-true methods that have helped me to overcome the “lumpy bed with weird noises insomnia” I tend to get while traveling.
If you find you have trouble getting a good night’s sleep when you too, try these 4 tips that have worked for me (especially when you do them ALL together!)